life and style

JULY style and beauty *RECAP*

Its the end of July already and I am so happy and thankful for one of the best summer memories of my life! Here is my style and beauty recap and cause summer is still not over, August here we come! Neizmerno hvaležna in srečna sem, da je navkljub bežanju časa s svetlobno hitrostjo, za menoj množica lepših in nepozabnih poletnih trenutkov kar...

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STYLE OF THE DAY on the road

I adore long car drives ... When you dont know where you will end up and where the road just has no end. Wind in your hair, endles smile on your face and the sound of your fav music and best frined by your side ... Obožujem dolge vožnje z avtomobilom ... Vožnje v neznano. Kjer se cesta ne konča, ko imaš ob...

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SHADE OF THE DAY Crazy match!

NEON coral and pink combined togehter in one manicure? Gosh it looks so great! Two of my fav NEON nailpolishes:NEON koralna in vroča pink skupaj v eni manikuri? Res dobro izgleda! Tokrat sem skombinirala dva od mojih najljubših poletnih neonov: I needed two thin coats of each nailpolish, it dried fast as always.Potrebovala sem dve tanki plasti, ki sta se kot vedno posušili zelo...

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life and style

STYLE OF THE DAY Leather black dress

Talking about mini black dresses as a must in every womans closet is no longer a question. But when "this" mini black dress is made out of leather, it instantly becomes even more apealing to me and I need to have it. To tell you the truth, this one was love at first sight. Of course it had to come home with me...

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SHADE OF THE DAY - Dont burst my bubble

Thinking about nude nails? Go for Dont burst my Bubble from the OPI OZ the great and powerful collection. Simple, pure and fresh.Če še nimate pravega nevtralnega, prosojnega laka, potem zna biti Dont burst my Bubble iz OPI OZ the great and powerful kolekcije prava izbira. Preprost, svež in sijoč.Two thin coats, sheer pink dired fast.Dve tanki plasti, mlečna roza barva, ki se...

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ULTRA festival day TWO

Festival fever is actually cooling down, but I am so eager about new advantures ahead, hoping to come to live preety soon. Wish you a wonderful day! =) Festivalska vročica me sicer popušča, vseeno pa me ob pogledu na slike vedno znova poprime močna želja po novi, naslednji festivalski dogodivščini, ki upam da se zgodi čimprej. Želim vam lep dan! Follow Mancinas spot...

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ULTRA festival Day ONE

You probably already know I love electronical music a lot! Therefore Ultra music festival in Split was high on my "to-do" list for this summer. Visiting it with my best friend, including long car ride, days of nonstop laugh and amazing music was just unforgettable and filled my heart with pure joy and happiness. Thinking about what to wear was not hard at...

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