
SHADE OF THE DAY Crazy match!

July 27, 2013

NEON coral and pink combined togehter in one manicure? Gosh it looks so great! Two of my fav NEON nailpolishes:

NEON koralna in vroča pink skupaj v eni manikuri? Res dobro izgleda! Tokrat sem skombinirala dva od mojih najljubših poletnih neonov: 

I needed two thin coats of each nailpolish, it dried fast as always.
Potrebovala sem dve tanki plasti, ki sta se kot vedno posušili zelo hitro.

Akris was the one who put this two colors together in an one of my fav 2013 summer collections. If you are thinking how to makeup your face with this colors, wear it like Missoni did. This two colors would be more than perfect for summer lips.

Barvi združeni v meni eno najlepših ss2013 kolekcij je predstavil Akris. Za makeup, pa v teh barvah obarvajte ustnice, kot so to storili pri Missoni-ju.

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