
*TOP 5* Summer NEONS

June 16, 2013

Trendy or not, when its summer time Im all about neon nailpolish shades and there is no doubt it anymore. Therefore I decided to list my TOP 5 and let them have a whole special post.

Prav nobenega dvoma ni več. Trendi ali ne, ko nastopi poletje sem nora na NEON lake za nohte. Zato sem se odločila narediti TOP 5 in jim posvetiti posebno objavo. 

If you wanna see each shade up close, with more pics, click on the link below the pic:
Vsak ima seveda tudi svojo objavo, za podrobnejše slike in ospie, kliknite na povezave pod sliko

Thinking about Neon? Gucci, Phillip Lim, Carolina Herrera, Akris and Louis Vuitton made amazing collections for summer, including my fav colors.
Če razmišljate o neon oblačilih, so Gucci, Phillip Lim, Carolina Herrera, Akris in Louis Vuitton na modne brvi poslali neverjetne kreacije v mojih najljubših barvah...

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5 komentarji

  1. Your nails look really pretty


  2. tile pisani me spominjajo na macarone tiste piškotke :)

  3. Such a fun post! China glaze pool party is one of my FAVS!
    Kallie, But First Coffee

  4. Sem se popolnoma zaljubila v tele neon barve!!!!
    Res izgledajo dobro!


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