
*SHADE OF THE DAY* Textured bubblegum

June 08, 2013

Wow how much I like this nailpolish. Its different and after a few hours of wearing it, you can totally get use to this new, sandy finnish. This is China Glaze - Unrefined

Resnično sem popolnoma navdušena nad današnjim lakom za nohte. Je nekaj novega, drugačnega in po nekaj urah nošenja, se popolnoma navadiš na hrapav občutek. China Glaze - Unrefined

I needed two thin coats, it dries fast due matte finish. At first I couldnt stop touching my nails, but I got used to this finish. And it actually has a long staying power which is great!
Potrebovala sem dve tanki plasti, poslušil se je zelo hitro, kot vsi laki z mat finišem. Nekaj časa sem potrebovala, da sem se navadila peščenega finiša, a nikakor ne moti. Presenetljivo je brez krušenja zdržal zelo dolgo. 

You wont miss if you choose pink for this summer. Chanel combined it with pearls, transparent hats, Donna Karans makeup artits created edgy pink makeup, Bluemarin put a heel on this years big gladiators, Benetton steped one step ahead and went all pink, including models hair.

Tudi letos čez poletje ne boste zgrešile, če se boste odele v roza odtenke. Chanel je roza barvo uporabil v bukle teksturiranih materialih, vizažisti Donne Karan so ustvarili drzen roza makeup, Bluemarine pa je letošnji trend gladiatork postavil na pete. Benetton kampanja pa je stopila korak dalje in poleg celotnega pink videza, vključno z lasmi.

I pick pink for grey rainy days, to make it happier and brighter. Mancinas style spot
Jaz pa za deževne dneve izbiram pink, da mi polepša dan in prinese veselje v siv dan. =) Mancinas style spot

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4 komentarji

  1. Love this shade! And I'm really loving textured nail polish too, I have a Barry M one and just cannot stop touching it when I wear it! Love your blog, I'm a new follower :)

    Georgia x


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  3. Love this pink colour, really enjoying reading your blog!! I am following you now :)

    Id be really grateful if you have a minute to visit me and follow back.


  4. genijalno! luda sam za cg lakovima!


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