
SHADE OF THE DAY* Lets salsa!

June 23, 2013

I've completely forgotten how much I like to wear red nail polishes till Salsa was refound in my nail polish stash. Tomato red with high shine is something I love to wear in the summer time and this one has it all. Worn it with handmade ring made by Ivan Rasic, was perfect for hot summer day:

Popolnoma sem pozabila, kako zelo rada imam rdeč lak na nohtih. Barva paradižnikov, z visokim sijajem je tista popolna za poletje. Vse to zagotovo ima China Glaze Salsa, zraven pa sem pokombinirala še ročno izdelan prstan Ivana Rašiča:

I needed two thin coats, it dried fast and left a great shiny finish.
Potrebovala sem dve tanki plasti, posušil se je hitro, ter pustil krasen sijoč videz.

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