
*SHADE OF THE DAY* H&M Hunt me down

June 05, 2013

Since forever Ive been a great lover of olive green, therefore H&Ms shade in Hunt me down instantly caught my attention. I wore it with handmade ring by Ivan Rasic with jewels in simmilar shades:

Od vedno sem bila velika ljubiteljica olivno zelene, zato mi je H&M ov lak za nohte v barvi Hunt me down takoj postal zelo všeč. Skimbinirala sem ga z ročno izdelanim prstanom, katerih kristalčki so v podobnih odtenkih Ivana Rašiča:

I needed only one coat of H&M nailpolish it dried very fast and left great shiny finish.
Potrebovala sem samo 1 plast, posušil se je zelo hitro v sijoč videz.

Handmade ring by/ Ročno izdelan prstan: Ivan Rasic

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