
*SHADE OF THE DAY* Constance carroll and essence

May 07, 2013

Today Im showing you two nail polishes which are hard to differ without a closer look. And despite considering my huge love for nail polishes I am still debating whether having so many similar shades is acceptable or not? I wonder which is your fav nail polish color in which you have the most nail polishes in?

Danes sta na vrsti dva odtenka, ki se ju na hitro ne da ločiti, če pa ju pogledaš pobližje je razlika vidna. 
Pravzaprav se še odločam kako "pametno" je imeti lake, ki se med seboj praktično ne razlikujejo. A priznam, modri odtenki so res moja strast. Katerih odtenkov pa imaš ti največ?

Constance carroll is darker periwinkle blue, with lilac undertones and creamy finish (pinkie and ring finger).
essence Dont forget me (which I obviously didn't, cause it's still one of my fav colors) is lighter blue, with actual baby blue undertone and slight blue shimmer (middle finger and pointer)

Constance carroll je temnejša barva vijolic z  lila podtoni in creamy finišem, (mezinec in prstanec).
essence Dont forget me (ki ga očitno res nisem!, ker mi je še vedno eden ljubših) pa je svetlejši, ima moder podton in subtilen moder shimmer. (sredinec in kazalec).

Soft blue was seen quite frequently on runways for ss2013. All from Phillip Lim, Dior to Balanciaga and Celine. Style it all from sporty to super classy looks! =)
Nežno modra barva je kraljevala na tednih mode za pomlad/poletje 2013 in je bila videna vse od DKNY, Phillip Lim, Dior do Balanciage in Celine ... Uporabljajte jo vse od športnih pa vse do elegantnih outiftov!

My recent all denim look:

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3 komentarji

  1. Super odtenka! Sama sem si pred kratkim nabavila enega podobnega Kikota in ga obožujem :).


  2. tudi jaz mam največ modrih =P tudi oba zgornja ;DD super post! na soncu se lepo vidi razlika =)


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