
*SHADE OF THE DAY* Aqua purple

May 30, 2013

Lack of true spring or even summer days, woke up my huge love for pastels. And since I couldnt decide which one I should pick, I went with both and made a duo colored mani, like I did a few times back, with other colors here and here. I love the outcome! Here are Kiko and China glaze For Audrey.

Pomanjkanje pravih pomladnih oz. že poletnih dni, je v meni vzbudilo hudo željo po pastelih. In ker se nisem mogla odločit katerega bi imela, sem tako kot že nekajkrat prej (tukaj in tukaj), nanesla kar oba. Izpadlo je super, tukaj sta Kiko  in China glaze For Audrey.

Thinking about this color for summer? Combine it like Matthew Williamson or pick them in metallic version as this gorgeous Burberry dress. Makeup weise sparkle this colors like Dior or color your eyes in cold blue shades like Joy Cioci did.

V kolikor ste ljubiteljice teh barv za poletje, potem jih pokombinirajte kot jih je Matthew Williamson ali pa izberite te barve v metaličnih odtenkih, kot je ta krasna Burberry obleka. Oči pa v teh barvah krasite z bleščicami, kot so storili pri Diorju, lahko pa ustvarite ledeno mrzel pogled, kot je to naredil Joy Cioci.

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