
Mint in Lago di Como

June 28, 2012

Hot summer day, girls free of work... what could be even more fun than going on a train to Lago di Como and spet the whole afternoon relaxing and having great time?! :)
And it was the perfect opportunity for me to dress up a new dress, and carry around a new bag, i bought in Milan. What do you say?

Dress: Bershka, Bag: Mango, Sandals: Graceland, necklace: Vintage

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6 komentarji

  1. Oo kok si luštna! Ful ti pristoji tale oblekica! ;)

    Lp, Maja


  2. Kok lepa oblečica, čudovita res <3 Pa treba je tud mal uživat ne sam delat... :) Kakšna fotkanja/revije si mela kej v zadnjih dneh? ^^ xx

  3. Kok lepa oblekcaaaa :) super si

  4. Jojj kaj bi dala za tvoje noge!!! Lepa!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  5. You are very thin and long, how tall are you? You are a model?



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