May 25, 2016

Our local weather obviously understands how I feel about high temperatures - not yet ready to jump into swimwear and dance around in short dresses! - and has postponed the heat for a few additional days. And tomorrow I'm definitely going to the gym, I swear! Tomorrow! Too much of Instagram for me, I guess :D
So let's forget its almost June and just pretend that today's styling is completely appropriate. That way we can all adore this mix'n'match kinda outfit ;)

Fashion tip:
Gingham is really nice but in "mix&match" combination with stripes it makes it even more fun and unique. I layered a long sleeved shirt under my gingram ruffled top. But to make the whole outfit as a whole, I put transparent striped socks under my flats. Yup, socks can also have a big role when it comes to outfits - just make sure they somehow fit with your look. :)

Mrzlo vreme konec maja si razlagam kot odlično sodelovanje z mojim trenutnim razpoloženjem, ki kar ni in ni pripravljen na lahkotna poplesovanja v kratkih oblekicah, ... da ne govorimo o kopalkah. Uh, jutri grem pa res na fitnes! in ... mogoče malo manj Instagrama ne bo škodilo. ;)
Zato danes priporočam, da zignoriramo koledar in se pretvarjajmo, kako zelo je styling primeren za jesen ... khm ...pomlad! :)

Modni nasvet:
O gingamu sem se že razpisala, danes pa sem se odločila za malce bolj zabavno in drugačno verzijo, zato sem ga skombinirala s črtami. Ker sem želela celoten outfit zaključiti v celoto, sem obula še prosojne črtaste nogavičke, ter jih obula pod špičaste balerinke. Ja, tudi nogavičke lahko igrajo pomembno vlogo pri stiliranju, pomembno je le, da se na nek način vklopijo s celotnim izgledom. :)

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5 komentarji

  1. love your gingham print shirt and your shoes!
    great look

  2. Your look is stylish and cool! I like this outfit, casual, fashion ... TOP!

    New Post-> http://modidimoda-mapi.blogspot.it/2016/05/salvatore-esposito-sneakers-saucony.html

  3. You look stunning!!

    Take care doll!! Ps: I'm hosting a Giveaway. I'd love if you entered!


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