Finding a good metallic nailpolish is a true science fiction if you ask me. I was looking for it for ages and I finally have it. Shiny and silver OPI Push and Shove from Gwen Stefani collection is pure perfection.Lov za srebrnim lakom, ki bi na nohtih izgledal kot prava aluminijasta folija je končno končan. OPI Push and Shove iz Gwen Stefani kolekcije...
Daydreamin about my upcoming vacation by the seaside reminded me to share my recent styling work I've done for L&Z magazine, with Slovenian fashion guru Lorella Flego. Hollywood glamur and timless summer elegance were my inspiration for the stylings I've done, hope you like them. Sanjarjenje o prihajajočih počitnicah me je opomnilo, da preden grem objavim še najnovejše stylinge, ki jih najdete v...
Amazing Dolce and Gabbana model Chris Elson playin the lead role in our colorful editorial we shot in Miramare, Italy for David magazine. Wish you a happy Saturday! V tekoči številki David magazina si lahko ogledate še eno modno zgodbo, ki smo jo posneli v Miramaru, z Dolce and Gabbana modelom Chrisom Elsonom v glavni vlogi. Pa veselo soboto vsem! =) model: Chris...