Due my work, I found myself more and more neglecting things which meant a lot to me. One of the things is definitely wearing high heels. Like it or not, I gravitate towards my boots every time I need to put on my shoes, and I am already off the door. Se here is the minimalistic look, wearing all denim, popped with white...
After wearing Zoya Dovima, two time in a row velvety/mat finish really got me. So this time I decided to do a makeover from a gorgeousglossy bio nail polish Ladylya into a velvety fall goddess:Mat finiš mi tako prirasel k srcu, po tem, ko sem kar dvakrat zapored na rokah imela Zoya Dovimo, da sem se odločila bio lak Lady lya spremeniti v...
Black jumpsuit spiced up with leo print, for gorgeous summer night with friends in town. Reminding myself of how great it is, keeping things simple and going back to basics. Of course, never forget to listen your wild, inner voice, which always does whats right and leads you in the right direction. =) ...
I felt like wearing dark nails and while browsing through moms nailpolish stash, I remembered myself how much I loved this one. So here it is. Oldie but goldie, Zoya mat Dovima.Po brskanju po mamini zbirki lakov za nohte, sem našla Zoyo dovima, ki je v meni vzbudila željo po temnem laku in me spomnila, kako zelo mi je všeč. Tukaj je. Mat,...
One stormy night and we went from insanely hot, to chilly days, with slight smell of the upcoming fall in the air. Hope summer hasnt start waiving its goodbye already, though. This unforgettable summer I decided to celebrate it with bright colors, despite black being my best fashion friend. I went for a bit sporty look for a day, dancing with the wind...
Every now and then I feellike the only nailpolish I can wear is just the one and only, China Glaze Millenium. The most amazing metallic nailpolish ever, which was sadly LE but a true oldie goldie. This time I wore it with my new gorgeous handmade ring made by Katja Koselj:Vsake toliko je edini lak, ki ga lahko imam na nohtih noben drug...
Friends make everything go in the right direction. Friends are my world, and I am the happiest person to have this wonderful creatures in my life. Here are my happiest moments of this summer, through the eyes of Instagram @Mancinasspot: Prijatelji so moj smerokaz, da ne s skrenem poti. Prijatelji so moj svet in najsrečnejša oseba sem, da imam te krasne ljudi v...
Maxi skirt is one item this year, I seriously cannot get enough wear out of it. So what do you think was my reaction when I found this gorgeous silky skirt pants the other day in store?! Well, I bought two pairs in different colors and Ive really enjoyed wearing them ever since. ;) For dinner by the sea I decided to style...
Since I loved the color combination of my previous manicure so much, I decided to repeat it but this time using the textured china glaze nailpolishes. I used Unrefined and Itty, bitty gritty:Ker mi je bila barva kombinacija zadnje manikure tako zelo všeč, sem se odločila, da jo ponovim, toda tokrat s peščenimi China Glaze laki. Uporabila sem Unrefined in Itty, bitty gritty:I...
When you love something, you love it no matter what. No matter the trends, no matter the weather ... Dedication of staying true to yourself is the most important and genuine thing we should all have to follow in life, i believe. So when I found this hat the other day in the storei figured it was a necessity in my life, and...