life and style

MAY style and beauty *RECAP*

Time flies with the speed of sound and I cannote believe its almost June already. It really was a great month and here is style and beauty recap of it. Which one is your fav? Čas leti s svetlobno hitrostjo in ne moram verjeti, da je že konec maja! Bil je krasen mesec, tukaj je moj povzetek style in beauty trenutkov v mesecu...

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*SHADE OF THE DAY* Aqua purple

Lack of true spring or even summer days, woke up my huge love for pastels. And since I couldnt decide which one I should pick, I went with both and made a duo colored mani, like I did a few times back, with other colors here and here. I love the outcome! Here are Kiko and China glaze For Audrey.Pomanjkanje pravih pomladnih oz. že poletnih dni,...

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life and style

*STYLE OF THE DAY* Think pink!

I've lost track for seasons this year and despite summer is supposed to be around the corner, I havent even embraced the spring yet and more likely feel like it fall, actually. So I decided to style my outfits just before Im out the door, depending only on my mood. Grey days, when the sun just doesnt want to peek through clouds are...

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*SHADE OF THE DAY* LadyLya 959

I've found my fav blue nailpolish shade, No joke! Since forever blue nailpolishes have been the one I felt great wearing them, but this one is by far the best. It has great opacity with slight jelly finnish, which gives depth to it. Almost neon under sunlight and the color of the oceans in shade. Lady Lya 959:Brez heca, odkrila sem svoj najljubši...

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life and style

*STYLE OF THE DAY* Catching sun between spring storms

Classic pieces, such as this new black coat, are a staple in wardrobe especially when sunbathing under a warm sun in one minute and running before getting all wet and cold the other minute in this moody spring time. I stitched it in my waist with a bit wider belt, matching pistol boots, bag and giraffe pattern in scarf around my neck. The...

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*SHADE OF THE DAY* Not Neon pink

Wouldnt quite call this a neon pink but its a great color anyways. It is actually very simmilar to OPI  Pink Flamenco. Here is Constance carroll 352 Neon Pink:Sicer sama nikoli ne bi takega odtenka poimenovala Neon pink, saj je vse prek kot to, vseeno pa je lep, živ pink odtenek, super za poletje. Pravzaprav je na las podoben OPI Pink Flamenco-u. Constance Carrol...

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life and style

*STYLE OF THE DAY* Gold in my hands!

Talking about facts about me in my previous post, here is another one: I am a big fan of golden jewlry and accessories. Therefore you can imagine my excitement, when I opened the box and saw this gorgeous clutch and lots of bracelets handmade and send to me by lovely Ninushual. Couldn't help myself and took it for its first walk right the...

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life and style

10 facts about me

If you follow me on Instagram, you can get to know me a bit better ... ;) Sledi mi na Instagramu in me spoznaj malo bolje ... ;) 1. I was a model for three years, worked in Milan for Vivienne Westwood, Bogner, Revlon and many jobs for L'oreal. Kot model sem delala tri leta, živela v Milanu, kjer sem delala za Vivienne...

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