life and style

colorful fashion blogger meetup!

It happened! First Slovenian Fashion Blogger meetup, thanks to Flash! Shame on me couse I am posting this today, but oh well ... =) I was so excited to meet all this beautiful girls with amazing taste for fashion, and have a great evening with them. I decided to do a post with pics of my outfit I wore to the event, and...

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Papaya punch was great! =)

Sreda je bila velik dan za nas, slovenske modne blogerje. Odvil se je namreč prvi meetup in za tak dogodek sem se odločila nohte obleči v nekaj Barvnega! =) Če želiš videti moj outfit klikni sem. =)Odločila sem se za vroč, creamy in osvežilen China Glaze Papaya Punch, ki je rabil 2 sloja za polnoprekrivnost.Wednesday was a big day for slovenian fashion bloggers....

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Looking at you with Havana look ;)

Pretekla sobota je bila izjemno pomembna za našo družino in kot že nekaj let, sem bila tudi sedaj zadolžena  za makeup-e. =)Svoj makeup sem naredila tako, da sem poglobila "crease", na zunanji kotiček pa sem pritrdila Sleek umetne trepalnice. Priznam, navdušena sem nad trepalnicami, bolj kot sem mislila da bom! Trepalnice so sicer narejene iz umenih mas, a so izjemno lahke in ustvarijo...

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life and style

White daisy

Hi everyone! This years trend of wearing white was a big thing for me and I couldn't wait worm and sunny days to come so outfits full of white would be perfect. White outfit with a hit of purple at the sea and with my BF was a bless. ;) What do you think? Thanks to my mom for that special ring. I...

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our last day in London

Sadly this are the last pics from London. We got up early and went enjoying our last carefree morning sun at the Piccadilly Circus. Starbucks coffee and muffin were delicious, Oxford street is even more amazing in the morning and Kensington Gardens were stunning. Can't wait to visit London again some day ... Biiiiiiiiiig thanks to my sis for being part of this...

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London - day 2

We felt guilt due crazy shopping the first day and not taking time to do some sightseeing - it was our first time in London and it would be a shame not seeing London attractions ... So our second day was dedicated to some morning shopping ;) than walking around all day long and beeing amazed by the beautiful London ... ...

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My London mani and haul

Od prvega dneva ko sem vedela da končno odhajam v London, sem začela planirati kaj vse od kozmetike, ki je pri nas nimamo moram kupiti. In ker vem, kako fino je gledat zbirke nabavljenih stvari, je tukaj moja mini kozmetična zbirka novih pridobitev iz Londona.Since I knew I am finally going to London, my planning for beauty stuff we don't have in Slovenia...

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Leopard strikes again in London =))

I am baaack from London and I looooooooooooooooooooooved it! Love the city, the people and luckly it didnt rain while we were there. =) I didn't have much time for pics of my outfit for the first day - researching Oxford street was a bit more exciting. ;) A few pics to get the first taste of London and a haul 1 anyway...

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Unforgettable Friday night

Po essence Forget me not sem se odločila za OPI black Onyx in ubistvu sem že pozabila kako zelo mi je všeč nositi črne nohte! Ampak priznam, da res ne morem pozabit Forget me not, zate sem ga nalakirala še enkrat in tokrat čez dodala še eno plast OPI Last Friday Night, jap tole je perfekcija: =)I wore OPI Black Onyx the other...

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life and style

Leopard on the scene =)

Todays outfit is one of my favorite! I love wearing black compared with camel shades ...Love my ankle boot wedges since the first day I got them, tnx to Ana hihi ;). What do you think about it? And wanna know some exciting news?! I am finally going to London!!! Tomorow!!! =)) I've been wanting to see the city for sooo long and...

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