
Holo denim nailpolish

March 24, 2012

Če sem iskrena, sem mislila da bo to eden od lakov, ki ga ne bom nikoli niti probala. V steklenički izgleda ok - modra z nastotine holografskimi bleščicami, ko pa ga naneseš na notht je popolnima prosojen in voden. Lak po sicer 4ih plasteh na sončku pokaže svojo zapeljivo plat. Jelly finiš z bleščicami holografskega efetkta Tukaj je Melia K501:

I actually didnt thought I would like this nailpolish. In the bottle loks ok, but when applying it it soo sheer and watery. When sun hits it it reveals all its beauty. Tones of holografic sparkles over a light blue slightly jelly base - though I am not a very sparekly tipe of pearson. Here is Melia K501:

V senci zgleda kot svetel spran jeans kar mi je super všeč:
In the shade looks like a light washed denim:

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