

October 02, 2015

Being 5,8 feet tall I've never been a big high heel wearer. Having said that though I still love having them in my closet and I love wearing them from time to time, but I've always been a more sneaker or biker boots type of girl. Travelling back in time I remember finishing elementary school and already having a huge obsession with white adidas superstars and 12 years later I decided to finally buy a new pair! Here are my three ways of wearing them without looking chic rather sporty.

S svojimi 178 cm priznam, da se iz svoje višine večino časa spogledujem z supergami oziroma motorističnimi škornji, ki me nosijo po mojih poteh. Kljub temu, so visoke pete še vedno tisto, kar občasno z veseljem obujem, le da so te priložnosti res redke. Če zavrtim kolo življenja nazaj v obdobje ko sem končevala osnovno šolo, se je moja ljubezen z belimi Adidas superstarkami začela in verjeli ali ne, še danes traja. Po 12 letih sem si kupila nov par, ki sem jih skombinirala na tri različne načine - za tri ideje kako lahko tudi s supergami izgledate super trendi in ne kot da ste ravno iz telodadnice!

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2 komentarji

  1. Sneakers-? The perfect sporty chic! I love this outfits! 1,2, and 3!!!

    New Post-> http://www.modidimoda-mapi.blogspot.it/2015/09/chicca-lualdi-primavera-estate-2016.html

  2. Love your style! Would be such an honor if you could check out my blog too!


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