September 04, 2015
1 colour, 1 pair of shoes, 3 different
looks / styles. I've always liked to play around with different styles but
through the years I've learned to catch the right balance on what is trendy at
the moment and what I really like or what I feel goes with my personal taste
for aesthetics really. Having said I embraced the "burnt orange"
comeback in a sec, and have been happily wearing my orange sweater from high
school days in a completely different way. Take a look at what I have
created with it this week:
Od nekdaj mi je igra z različnimi stili predstavljala zabavo, kljub temu, pa sem se lovljenja ravnotežja med sezonskimi trendi, ter svojim osebnim pogledom na estetiko naučila šele z leti.
Kot rečeno priznam, da sem kot ljubiteljica opečnato oranžne ob prvih vetrovih z vonjem po prihajajoči jeseni že brskala po omari, ter iz nje vlekla tisti mehak, opečnat pulover, ki sem ga nosila v srednji šoli, danes pa se z mano sprehaja v popolnoma drugi podobi kot nekoč. V nadaljevanju si poglejte, kaj se ustvarila z letošnjo barvo jeseni:
Bohemian look Working chic look Edgy look
Last look is most likely how I can describe my style. I styled my old pleaded transparent skirt with opaque top and cinched them with a belt where both pieces met, so it gave and illusion of a dress. Trousers under a skirt is trendy "thing" from last fall and ofc I cant go anywhere without my hat. =)
Zadnja kombinacija je najverjetneje tista, za katero lahko pritrdim, da, to je moj stil. Prosojno krilo sem v pasu spela s pasom, ki zakrije rob črnega topa, ter tako naredila iluzijo obleke. Hlače pod krili so trend, ki se nadaljuje še od lanske jeseni, jaz pa seveda nikamor ne grem brez klobuka. =)
4 komentarji
Love it! Great style
Three great ways to style this gorgeous colour! :)
ReplyDeleteTake care,
Daniella xox
Ohhh...your blog every day is better!
Nice xx