September 02, 2015
As I said in the previous post,
burnt orange is a big thing for this year's fast approaching fall, which is why
I decided to dedicate this weeks outfits to it. The first outfit I posted on Monday was all about
chic work outfit, whereas this one is all about trendy bohemian vibe. Flare
jeans are back in trend, flowy top and oversized round sunnies are giving the
appropriate bohemian spirit.
Kot sem omenila v prejšnji objavi je opečnato oranžna zares pustila pečat na modnih brveh za prihajajočo jesen, zato sem se odločila objave v tem tednu posvetiti le njej. Ponedeljkov outfit je bil ustvarjen za chic delavno žensko, medtem ko je današnji ovit v trendi boemski duh. Hlačnice na zvonec so nazaj, plapolajoč top in velika okrogla očala pa sta potrebna kosa za pravi boemski izgled.
3 komentarji
Nice hat :) Kiss from France, Sand.
It works for you the burnt orange xx
Aaa, čudovita kot vedno (: