
*SHADE OF THE DAY* LadyLya 959

May 28, 2013

I've found my fav blue nailpolish shade, No joke! Since forever blue nailpolishes have been the one I felt great wearing them, but this one is by far the best. It has great opacity with slight jelly finnish, which gives depth to it. Almost neon under sunlight and the color of the oceans in shade. Lady Lya 959:

Brez heca, odkrila sem svoj najljubši moder odtenek! Že od vedno sem se odlično počutila z modrimi laki, tale pa je nekaj posebnega. Dobro prekriven odtenek s creamy-jelly finišem, ki ustvari krasno "globino". Na soncu je skoraj neon, v senci pa temnejša krasna modrina oceanov. Lady Lya 959:

I needed two thin coats, it dired super fast and stayed a perfectly shiny and glossy.
Potrebovala sem dve tanki plasti, posušil se je izjemno hitro in ostal krasno sijoč.

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