Slovenian fashion week F/W 2013 #2
April 16, 2013Ljubljana, fashion week day two. There was 4 fashion shows that day (first three were all the designer students from our acadamy) but I only had the time to catch the last one, there fore I will only represnt this one. If you wanna see what our young designers created, click here.
Images are clickable, to see a lot bigger picutre!
Drugi dan tedna mode so se je odvile kar štiri modne revije (prve tri, so se predstavili študenti NTF-ja), žal pa sem uspela priti le na zadnjo, zato bom tudi le to predstavila na blogu. V kolikor vas zanima kaj so ustvarili naši mladi talenti, klikni sem.
Klikni na sliko in poglej bolj od blizu!
Urša Drofenik: "Čipka kot druga koža"
Elegance wrapped in lace, colored in gold, beige, white and black. My eye cought this long maxi skirts but dress in the middle was my favorite.
Eleganca ovita v čipko, obarvana v kraljevske barve zlate, bež, bele in črne. Moje oko je ujelo obleke z dolgimi krili, a srednja je zagotovo moja zmagovalka.
Mojca Celin: "Ocean med nama"
In expectation of lace and prints with some "havy" materials as counterwight to previous collection, I was surprised with lots of velvet, great jackets stinched with wide belts and turbans.
V pričakovanju vzorčastega blaga in čipke, me je oblikovala ujela nepripravljeno na kolekcijo bogato z žametom, lepo oblikovanih jaken preščipnjenih s širokimi pasovi in turbani za pokrivala.
Those who like the smell of the east and funky colorful Desigual definatelly find this collection a great enrichment for our market.
Vse ljubiteljice dišečega vzhoda in živahnega Desiguala zagotovo glasno pozdravljajo novo blagovno znamko na našem tržišču.
Simona Lampe: "Shelockology"
Since last year her collections was one of my fav my expectations were big. She indeed did a great job and trigered my imagination, pulling me in english countryside environment.
Sherlock Holmes with classy, feminine vibe
Moja pričakovanja so bila velika, saj je bila lanska kolekcija S.L. ena meni najljubših. Naredila je super zanimivo delo, s pomočjo katerega je moja domišljija dobila krila in me popeljala na krasno angleško podeželje...
Ženska, ki s svojo eleganco in ženstevnostjo obeleče oblačila Sherlocka Holmesa.
2 komentarji
Great shows the first dresses are my favorites :p
Nice looks.