*BEAUTY* what I wore for Slovenian fashion week day 3
April 13, 2013Fashion week, day three. I decided to do no makeup makeup with only hot bold pink lips. This day I decided to wear a beanie an hair tucked in my shirt.
Za zadnji dan tedna mode sem se odločila za minimalističen, nevtralen makeup, s poudarkom na pink ustnicah. Nadela sem si kapo, in lase skrila v majico.
MAC Nylon and vanila (for the whole lid/ za celotno veko)
S-he eyeliner (for upper lid/ za zgornjo veko)
Face/ obraz Clinique fundation, Sleed duo contour kit in light
Lips/ Ustnice Sleek Fuchsia in Coral Reef
Nails/nohti: OPI: My paprika is hotter than yours!
Another very opaque one. If applying it carefuly you can need only one coat. Gogeous unique and very hot glossy orange-red-coraly shade.
Izjemno pigmentiran odtenek, s previdnim nanosom je en nanos popolnoma zadosti. Unikatna, sijoča in vroča oranžnordečekoralna barva.
For my whole outfit click on Mancinas style spot:
Za celoten oufit klikni na Mancinas style spot:
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