
*SHADE OF THE DAY* up sidedown french manicure

March 02, 2013

Finally super sunny days and the smell of spring in the air. Perfect opportunity to go for a super fun and sparkly manicure right?!
Končno smo dočakali krasne sončne dneve z vonjem po pomladi, kar je vedno super razlog, da posežem po bolj spomladanski manikuri kajne?!

My fav off white Orly Porcelain (two thin coats) upside down french manicure made with China Glaze Pizzazz and my fav Konad topcoat.
Orly Porcelain je še vedno moj najljubši smetanast odtenek, ter na glavo obrnjena manikura, narejena z China Glaze Pizzazz in zagotovo najboljši nadlak znamke Konad.

Nude nails, sparkles up side down manicures and neutral makeup is going to be very much in trend this upcoming spring and summer. Hurry! =)
Manikure in makeup v neutralnih barvah, bleščice, na glavo obrnjene francoske manikure... Vse to, nas letos čaka v prihajajoči pomlad/poletje sezoni. Juhu! =)

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