
When velvet becomes Royal!

March 29, 2012

OK, ko me nekaj resnično prevzame, komaj čakam, da to delim z vami! In ja, zgodilo se je. spet! =) SIcer vem, da smo v pomladi in da smo vse nore na pastelčke in neone, ampak tole je nekaj popolnega! =)

OK, so when I like something very much I cant wait to share it with you. And it happened again. Yes, I am blown away by this nailpolish and though its spring and we are very into pastels and neons this is MAJOR! =)

Royal Velvet je popolno ime in mislim, da je eden najlepših duochrome lakov, kar sem jih videla. Potrebovala sem tri tanke plasti, a se Orly laki hvalabogu hitro sušijo, tako da ni bilo panike. =) 

Orly Royal Velvet definately has the right name, and I think its one of the preetiest duochromes ever. It needed three thin coats, but luckly Orly dries very fast so it was no problem. =)

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