
Skull wrapped in pink

April 21, 2011

Še vedno sem navdušena nad svojim lobanja prstanom in danes je končno spet prišel na vrsto, z Gaga outfitom. S pink OPI Pink Flamencom izgleda super, pink marjetka iz našega vrta pa je na fotki zapikonai! =)

I really adore my skull ring, and today was perfect day to wear it and this was my Gaga outfit with it. With OPI Pink Flamenco looks soo great, and a pinky daisy from my garden the picture was perfect:

Na fotki je samo ena plast, kar je še en razlog zakaj imam flamenkota tako rada. =)
It needed just one coat and by that I love it even more. =)

Če želite pe več fotk laka, lahko pogledate mojo starejšo objavo z njim. Smešno, saj je objava laka eno leto nazaj, ravno na velikonočne praznike. =)

If you want to see more pictures of Pink Flamenco click here. So funny to see that I did my post with this nailpolish a year ago aroung Easter time as well. =)

In kot obljubljeno, še fotke makeupa, ki sem ga imela z zadnjim outfitom. Zgrožena sem ugotovila, da nisem uporabila svoje Mac palete že kar nekaj časa in to je bil popoln izgovor za šminkanje in uživanje vsake sekunde rokovanja s paletko. =) 

And as promised fotos of makep from my lates outfit of the day: I figured I didn't use my MAC pallette for a while now shame on me! =) so this was a perfect excuse to do my makeup using just MAC and enjoying every second of having it:

I used:
Nylon for inner corner and All that glitters on the whole lid,
Satin taupe, Smut and Blackberry for outer V and blending the crease.
Orange for defining and blending my crease.



Želim vam vesele in varne velikonočne praznike, predvsem pa jih praznujte z ljudmi, ki jih imate radi! =)
Wish you all happy and safe Easter, surrounded with people you love! =)

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8 komentarji

  1. Tudi "prstan" iz marjetice gre krasno k lakcu ;)

  2. hehehe Biba se čist strinjam, tudi marjetica bi sama bla super. Samo škoda k je nemorem namontirat kot prstan ;)) tko d mi ostane lobanja :D

  3. koja je to senka za oci mac-ova?

  4. olja koristila sam:

    Nylon for inner corner and All that glitters on the whole lid,
    Satin taupe, Smut and Blackberry for outer V and blending the crease.
    Orange for defining and blending my crease.


  5. Lep lak! ampak vedno znova in znova opazujem tvoje trepalnice, so tako nenavadne in lepe hkrati! tako zavihane :P

  6. hehe hvala. drugač p ja res že od kar pomnim imam zelo zavihane trepalnice=)


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