WORK Men editorial for DAVID magazine
April 09, 2014Long time no see but I am still here, safe and sound and with a brand new post for you all.
Its time for another male fashion editorial I did for the latest issue of Slovenian magazine David. Inspiration for the story and my stylings was in soft and romantic spring, which we were all impatiently waiting after long and cold winter. Approaching to men not to be afraid of pastels, wearing fashion accessories and to bring flowers to the ones you love more often ... ;)
Čas kot pesek polzi med prsti, a končno sem zopet tukaj, z novo objavo, ki se bo tokrat navezovala na vaše boljše polovice.
Editorial, ki sem ga z ekipo ustvarjala za tekočo številko revije David je tokrat pomladno obarvan, za katerega inspiracijo sem črpala v nežni in romantični pomladi, katero vsako leto tako nestrpno pričakujemo. Nasvet in ideje kako tudi v pastelih in z uporabno modnih dodatkov moški lahko izgleda super, ter majhen namig, da je včasih čakanje vseeno slajše ob šopku rož. ;)
4 komentarji
Congrats on the styling, of course you deserve a comment for this, wow! Great editorial! By the way, you must check out my newest outfit featuring a navy MAISON MICHEL hat, CÉLINE shirt, GIVENCHY blazer, ACNE clutch and shoes, and very very flowy Zara trousers that masquarades as a dress.
ReplyDeletexx The Provoker
Suuuper :)!
Great styling and hot model xx
I always admired men's fashion. It's so sexy.