
STYLE OF THE DAY reflections

March 03, 2014

It was exactly one year ago when I had, while my staying in Milan, bought my first pair of mirrored sunnies, and it was the moment when a new love was born. Ok, this can be a slight exaggeration, but the truth of a matter is, I can't seem to get over this trend, not even it the nearest future I dare to predict. Sure they can be a bit annoying to the people during the conversation since  they are forced to observe themself in the shades but the statement that they make to the outfit is so unique and a little naughty, right? ;) 
Today I'm showing you new pair of Anthony Morato's line for ss14, I wore for short escape to the seaside. Playing with reflections of the sea on sunnies and metallic plate on the bag, as they were key pieces of the outfit, while the rest was more or less pretty simple. Wearing harem pants, heeled ankle boots and a scarf in colours of the shades. Hope you like it: 

Čas leti s svetlobno hitrostjo in že eno leto je naokoli od mojega nenačrtovanega obiska v Milano. Še sedaj se v živo spominjam kje in kdaj sem si kupila prva sončna očala z zrcalnimi stekli, katera so v meni prebudila pravo, močno ljubezen do tega trenda. Pretiravam? Mogoče, vseeno pa me norija zrcalnih leč še vedno drži in nikakor ne popušča. Za mojega sogovornika so lahko precej moteča, vem, saj se je med pogovorom prisiljen spogledovati tudi s samim seboj, vseeno pa so odličen dodatek k outfitu in malce nagajiva, kajne? ;)
Tako sem za potep ob morju na krasen sončen dan, izkoristila za igranje z odsevi. Odsevi v očalih, prihajajoče kolekcije Anthony Morato, na torbi in v morju, so zaznamovali moj dan in so imeli glavno vlogo mojemu precej preprostemu outfitu. Črne harem hlače z gležnjarji na peto, ter šalom, ki je barve očal povezoval v celoto. Upam, da vam je všeč.

sunnies by Anthony Morato ss2014 / sončna očala Anthony Morato pomlad-poletje 2014

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17 komentarji

  1. beautiful photos and outfit


  2. Mirrored sunnies are coolest! I love yours my dear :)

    Take care,
    Daniella xox

  3. I like how you styled the sunnies with the clutch. Where's it from?

  4. amazing blue sky and effortless style!

    inviting you on my new post…


  5. mirrored sunnies are the absolute best! and i love what you wore x

  6. Great blog!!

  7. I love your scarf, your outfit it's so beautiful :)
    Today a spring-like outfit up on my blog, check it out! ;)

  8. Nice outfit, really like your boots!

    Jules x

  9. lepa! I love everything <3

    xo I.

  10. Amazing sunglasses <3

    Xxx Cécile


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