
MARCH style and beauty *RECAP*

March 31, 2014

Sadly there is not a lot of material on my blog for the month of March, but I think we all know the feeling of not being enough hours in one day, right?
If you follow me on Instagram, that you are on track with my styling work and bits and bobs of beautiful moments I am able to capture while running around.
As far as my outfits I have to say that despite the weather, I was tempted to wear pastels only a few times this past month, which is quite a huge thing, comparing to last years pastel obsessions. =)
Even beauty blog was a little lonely this month, creating three manis and writing a spring skincare review with REN.
Wish you had an amazing month and hello April! =)

Tudi marec je spolzel skozi prste s svetlobno hitrostjo in žal, je tudi ta mesec mancinas spot malce sameval, saj se recept kako v dan pritihotapiti še nekaj dodatnih ur še vedno ni znašel v mojih rokah.
Kakorkoli, če mi sledite na Instagramu, potem mi vseeno lahko sledite po mojih dogodivščinah na fotografiranjih, ter si oči spočijete z lepimi spomladanskimi trenutki, ki jih uspem ujeti med letanjem po mestu.
Zanimivo je tudi dejstvo, da se navkljub pomladi v meni še vedno ni prebudila pretirana želja po pastelih, kar je v primerjavi z preteklimi leti vredno omembe. =)
Nohte še vedno prepuščam temnejšim barvam, svojo kožo pa tokrat razvajam z izdelki REN, (ste že prebrale mojo objavo o spomladanski negi kože?). Več na mancinas beauty blogu.
Želim vam lep in krasen april! =)

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8 komentarji

  1. stunning pictures


  2. you are such a pretty babe!

    heartbeats Carola // VIENNA WEDEKIND

  3. Really cool blog, I've been trialing pastels for the first time this year! Have a lovely April x


  4. Nice babe ;)


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