My HAIR rutine
November 05, 2013
Since I get so many comments relating to my hair, I decided to make a post, just by describing my hair care rutine. Nothing special but I hope you find it useful. Here are the produst I use for my haircare:
Lucklly my hair is not super demanding as far as hair care goes.
I find John Frieda shampoo definitely the best for my hair, therefore I've been using it since forever. Inside the blonde line there is a few variations, which I choose to use depending on the season and my plans for the hairstyle I want to have. But I find all of them great!
After shampooing I apply maroccanoil on dump hair, making them super shiny, not greasy an since Ive been using it my hair is not as electrified as they were. Which is awesome!
And finally one of my the revolutionary discoveries has to be Tangle teezer. My hair being super thin, but having so many of the on my had, Ive always had hard time de tangling them, till i found Tangle teezer. It brushes the hair so nicely, without breaking them and most important it de tangles every tangle with just few strokes.
Ker vsakodnevno dobim veliko komentarjev glede mojih las, se se odločila, da naredim kratko objavo o tem kako jih negujem. Nič posebnega a vseeno upam, da vam bo koristno.
Lucklly my hair is not super demanding as far as hair care goes.
I find John Frieda shampoo definitely the best for my hair, therefore I've been using it since forever. Inside the blonde line there is a few variations, which I choose to use depending on the season and my plans for the hairstyle I want to have. But I find all of them great!
After shampooing I apply maroccanoil on dump hair, making them super shiny, not greasy an since Ive been using it my hair is not as electrified as they were. Which is awesome!
And finally one of my the revolutionary discoveries has to be Tangle teezer. My hair being super thin, but having so many of the on my had, Ive always had hard time de tangling them, till i found Tangle teezer. It brushes the hair so nicely, without breaking them and most important it de tangles every tangle with just few strokes.
Na srečo moji lasje niso zahtevni in vidim, da so zelo hvaležni negi, ki jo imam že kar nekaj let.
John Frieda šampon je resnično najboljši in ga uporabljam odkar pomnim. Znotraj linije za blond lase, je kar nekaj različnih vrst, ki pa jih menjam glede na letni čas in glede na to, kaj želim delati s pričesko. So pa prav vsi izvrstni in za moje lase, ki niso bili nikoli barvani, opravijo odlično delo.
Po šamponiranju na konice nanesem Maroccanoil, zaradi katerega moj las ni več tako naelektren kot je bil nekoč, las ne masti, ter mu doda krasen lesk.
Ker imam zelo veliko las, ki pa so zelo tanki, je Tangle teezer zagotovo odkritje stoletja. Las ne trga, brez problema razčeše prav vsak vozel in je zagotovo najboljša krtača za lase.
Veliko dobim tudi vprašanj kje se strižem in trenutno bi prav vsako iskreno napotila v salon Fantazija v Celju. Sama sem še iz manekenskih časov imela veliko stika z frizerji, saj sem veliko delala za L'oreal, zato mi je dobra frizerska storitev zelo pomembna.
Tam se boste pod "zvezdnatim nebom" in v tematsko obarvanem kotičku razvajale z masažo glave, med umivanjem las, nato pa boste v krasnem in estetsko dovršenem salonu svoje lase, brez strahu lahko prepustile spretnim rokam.
the post about the product is not being sponsored / objava glede izdelkov ni sponzorirana
5 komentarji
I love your hair, it's so long and looks so healthy!
Tangle Teezeeeeeer :) najboljši! Pa šamponček tudi. Tvoji lasje pa itak TOP! :)
Vau, res imaš zelo krasne lase. :)
ReplyDeleteZanima me kje se, da kupiti tole krtačo za lase. In pa še nekaj kje kupiš Maroccanoil v tako mali flaški? Hvala.
Marko živjo,
Deleteosebno naročam TT preko, maroccanoil pa sem kot promo material dobila ob neki reviji. Ga je pa možno kupiti na isti strani kot TT. =)