October 18, 2013
Day two of fashion week in Ljubljana served us just
the right amount of fashion which Im sure left us fed our fashion hungry souls
and made us daydreaming about next years trends, when leaving the hall.
Stories of each collection were loudly telling us
stories, about envisioning next years spring/summer fashion and had without
doubt satisfied all fashion tastes.
However, Garevski was the one, who once again silenced
my curiosity and left me fully inspired. The master of asymmetry and
minimalism, designed classic pieces in a new way, adding daring cuts or pleated
details, creating a whole new appearance to the staple pieces of our wardrobes.
Cherry on top of the collection was adding fur details, such as belt, fur on
the strap of the sandals or just a classic squared clutch. And even though fur
is not as common for warm season a, it went extremely well with the collection,
creating sophisticated and elegant appearance.
Stories about growing up, childhood dreams, returning
to his former values, seeking perfection and a new set of dreams and longings
were Zoran Garevskis inspiration for the collection.
Drugi dan tedna mode v Ljubljani je
bil prava modna poslastica, ki verjamem, da je potešila prav vse modne okuse in
zagotovo ni bilo duše, ki bi dvorano zapustila ravnodušno.
Zgodbe, prepletene v kreacije naših oblikovalcev, so
bile tokrat zelo zgovorne in prodorne. Vsaka je v svojem slogu glasno
pripovedovala svojo vizijo pomladi 2014.
Mojo modno radovednost pa je znova prepričal
Zoran Garevski. Zgodbe o odraščanju, spomini na otroške sanje, vračanje k nekdanjim vrednotam, iskanje popolnosti, na
novo zastavljene sanje, hrepenenje ... je bil njegov navdih, za ustvarjanje
kolekcije pomlad/poletje14, je povedal.
Mojstrska igra z asimetrijo,
ustvarjanje novih oblik, z dodatki pliseja in drznimi rezi,
na klasičnih in večnih kosih so pritegnile pozornost. Črno in belo je
tokrat popestril z rdečo, ki je kolekciji vlivala samozavesti in drznosti, pika
na i kolekciji, pa je zagotovo vpeljava krznenih dodatkov na torbicah
in sandalih. Kljub nevsakdanjosti krzna postavljenega ob bok pomladno-poletnim
kosom, pa vse skupaj več kot odlično deluje.
Minimalizem Garevskega je brez
dvoma paradni konj, brezčasen in večno in.
Outfit I wore on the second day was all black. All leather. / Outfit, ki sem ga imela drugi dan je bil črnina, ujeta v usnjene kose.
Thanks Elle for placing me among the best dressed people attending the show, once again! =)
10 komentarji
Really like your boots!!
Great look! I love your coat!
Wow love your outfit!!
ReplyDeleteWanna follow each other on Bloglovin'?
Love this post, nice show and you wearing a nice look ! :)
Hud outfit Manca, u rock!
ReplyDeleteReally great style!
ReplyDeleteKirsten x
You look amazing in that outfit!
ReplyDeleteTotally love it
Style Of Ozoz Facebook Page
those clothes are really to die for!
ReplyDeleteand your outfit , great mix and match of materials :)
Beautiful collection
ReplyDeleteI really like your outfit
Must be really nice to watch the show! :D YOu definitely have a great sense of style! :D
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