
Magical Vienna

December 12, 2011

I was thinking about what to write, since my blog is not as active as I wanted it to be. So I figured that among writing and posting my style pics I will write and post also my traveling trips around the word, which is also a great passion of mine.
Ever since backpacking with my bf for a month around East coast of America, that passion was descovered and its growing like crazy. Seing different parts of the world, get to know different coltures, people, architecture and the way people are dressing up enriches me, gives me energy and excitment to see and discover even more.

This time me and my bf went for the weekend to Vienna. A magical city that amazes you with how strong christmas sprit can be, city of crowded streets with magnificent bulidings, delicious food and of course shops with stuff to die for. =) Let the pictures say more.

the view infront of our hotel
Stephans platz
Schönbrunn castle

Stands with food, baverage and christams gifts infront of the Museum

If you are thinking about visiting Vienna I highly recommend to go and see it  till 26th of December, when all the christmas stands are there, which really makes the city special. Hope you liked the pics.=)

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2 komentarji

  1. dunaj je res magičen! :) sama sm bla nazadnje za silvestrovo,res super občutek! :) in tud potovanja so ena izmed mojih strasti,kamorkoli samo doma ne :p

  2. moj Dunaj <3 Če boš šla naslednje leto spet v tem času, je must Spittelberg (brez mase turistov - jupi!!!).


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