
Leopard on the scene =)

May 08, 2011

Todays outfit is one of my favorite! I love wearing black compared with camel shades ...Love my ankle boot wedges since the first day I got them, tnx to Ana hihi ;). What do you think about it?

And wanna know some exciting news?! I am finally going to London!!! Tomorow!!! =))
I've been wanting to see the city for sooo long and I am very happy that I am going. I am sure that my sis and I are going to have perfect 5 days full of shopping, walking around, sightseeing, drinking Starbucks coffee ... =)

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12 komentarji

  1. Lepa!

    Pa uživaj v Londonu!

  2. amazing outfit! the shoes are so pretty!

    kisses from La Mode En Rose = )

  3. Super outfit, postava, tvoj obraz <3<3<3 Uživaj v Londonu as much as you can!

  4. That print makes all the difference to every outfit!

  5. ooo, jaz sem se ravno vrnila tisti dan :) si letela popoldne?haha, bi se še srečal na letališču!

    outfit 1A!

  6. Ta outfit mi je pa res res res všeč in se strinjam s Frickys. Kaj nardi malo leopardjega vzorca pa ta kamelja barva tut! :) Super res. Prehudi čevlji.

    O zakon, se pravi se maš zdaj fajn v Londonu!! :D Uživaj maksimalno in nakupuj do onemoglosti! :)

  7. Čist hudi čevlji.. In res maš lepe poteze obraza :) Uživaj v Londonu!
    xxx, Ana

  8. hvala punce London je bil pa suupeerrr =))
    @Frickys i agree with you. it really is a statement piece =)
    @sparkle ja popoldne sva šle =)

  9. Ful mi je všeč kombinacija čevljev in pasu..super se poda s črno barvo, da ne govorim o šalu :)

  10. A pa daj, kak si ti lepa! <3
    Fotka ko sediš mi je čudovita!
    Čevlji so mi ful všeč.

    Mir in ljubezen!


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