
colorful fashion blogger meetup!

May 27, 2011

It happened! First Slovenian Fashion Blogger meetup, thanks to Flash! Shame on me couse I am posting this today, but oh well ... =)

I was so excited to meet all this beautiful girls with amazing taste for fashion, and have a great evening with them. I decided to do a post with pics of my outfit I wore to the event, and to share the love leave a few of links to some of girls blogs, so you can also check their pics from the event, since I have don't have any =).
Ready? ;)

Running in my heels did some amazing pics from the event and her her heels were soo cool. ;)

Katja did some great pics as well, and was a great company for the evening. =)

To see my nailpolish click here. =)

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16 komentarji

  1. oh i love your outfit! you look fab!

    kisses from La Mode En Rose = )

  2. @nina hvala =) škoda, da te ni bilo, upam da naslednjič uletiš ;))
    @LMER tnx my dear!
    @duckalicious mwahahaha res je huda ane ;))

  3. Evo pa sem te našla ;) lušna punca + outfit

    Lep preostanek vikenda


  4. haha I can say that I am almost allways the tallest among women =))

  5. Joooj kok lep blazer <3 A mislš da je še v trgovinah? Čist sm se zaljubila v tole modro podlago :) Pa hlače so mi tut všeč + kitka je super :)
    Grem stavit da sm večja od tebe, btw :p (178)

  6. Joj Summer bojim se da ne, ker je od lani tale blazer... drugač pa hvala =)
    Zgubila si stavo.. ker sva namreč isto visoki hihih ;))

  7. thank you for the comment lovely ; )

    kisses from La Mode En Rose = )

  8. pantalone su prekrasne,predivno ti stoje!

  9. Waaa... krasen styling! In noro mi je vsec kitka <3! Plus izgledas fenomenalno! ^^

  10. Lepotička <3 In outfit je super! A veš, da mi sploh ni kazalo tvojih objav, zato nisem nič komentirala- smotan blogger :S

  11. @Anja hvala ti =)
    @Tamara joj... hvala kaj nj rečm =)
    @Ana ja tale blogger ga res neki serje, sem se že sprašvala kje si, ker se nič nisi oglasila. =) Drugač pa hvala tudi tebi ;)*

  12. Jaz imam skoz probleme :( Al mi ne kaže vaših objav, al mi noče slik lepit- groza! Jim bom mogla kak grozilni mail poslati, hehe :)

  13. Uuu, super outfit, posebi hlače pa čevlji so mi ušeč, blazer pa je lih še pika na i :)
    Škoda k me ni blo :(
    xx Sandra :)


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