
Lady gaga (telephone) inspired makeup

April 08, 2010

Začetek vidoespota Telephone, v katerem ima Lady gaga odličen makeup je bil glavni krivec, zato da sem se odločila ustvariti podobnega. Vanj sem namreč zaljubljena <3
Nad obrvno kostjo sem nanesla 3 različne taupe odtenke iz cs 88 paletke, notranji kotiček in pod obrvjo sem zasenčila z belo mat senčko. Celotna veka je prekrita z najbolj nude barvo iz cs paletke. Črto sem ustvarila z gel funkhauser eyelinerjem. V spotu ima začetek črte tam kjer se začne opazna linija trepalnic, konča pa se malo pod obrvjo.. obrvi so izjemno poudarjene, sama sem jih poudarila z mat senčko iz cs.
Po mojem mnenju je makeup izjemno nosljiv in preimeren kot dnevni, če seveda ne pretiravamo z dolžino črte in z malo manj poudarjenimi obrvmi, predvsem če smo svetlolaske =)

Ok so i find this make up that Lady gaga wears it at the very beginning in a video Telephone, so attractive that i decided to recreate it.
I used 3 taupe colors from 88 cs pallette and placed it right above the eyebrow bone. The lid was all covered up with the lightes nutral eyeshadow from this pallette. The inner corner and right under the eyebrow i blended it up some white color, to brighten the eye. Then i used an angled brush and a Funkhouser gel eyeliner in black and did the wing. I have extanded it very far, but since this makeup is appropriate for dailey basis as well, my advice is just not extandit it so far out. In the video her eyebrows are very strong, so i have filled them with a matte dark brown eyeshadow.
And here is the result:

So what do you think? Personally i wear that kind of a mu very often, just the wing is not so extanded and the eyebrows are not so dark..and without a dot =)

*thanks for watching and commenting*

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9 komentarji

  1. Čudovito zgleda. Bom morala tudi sama poskusit tak MU, ker mi je noro lep. :)

  2. hvala elchy *hug*
    če ga boš naredila pa le slikat, da vidimo fotke ;)

  3. Super izlgeda! Ta crta mi je prav vsec :)!

  4. WoooW! Zelo lepo! Črta mi je noro všeč... In kake obrvi... *shock*

  5. jeej punce hvala! me res veseli, da vam je všeč =)*


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